Discharge Planning as a Quotidian Ethical Issue Impacting Patients, Families and Healthcare Practitioners Discharge planning or transitions-in-care planning does not have a high profile yet it is a frequent daily…Read more →
Family Physicians Challenge the Federal Government to Play a Greater Role in Health Care | News and Events | Publications | The College of Family Physicians Canada.Read more →
Our publication section has been updated with new issues of Bioethics Matters. Bioethics Matters: "Sacramental Principle" - Leo Walsh, CSB Bioethics Matters: "Maternal - Fetal Attachment and the Culture of…Read more →
The Call for Abstracts for the 2014 HPCO Annual Conference is Now Open! Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO) is pleased to invite you to participate at the 2014 annual conference…Read more →