Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Pope Francis’s message for the 2020 World Day of the Sick is “Come to me all you who labour and are heavily burdened, and…Read more →
Today, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the Father Guy Boulanger Bishop of the Diocese of Rouyn-Noranda. At the time of his appointment, Bishop-elect Boulanger was serving as Vicar General of…Read more →
The Canadian Department of Justice is currently undertaking an online review of legislation about MAID:https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cons/ad-am/index.html CMA Policy: Medical Assistance in DyingRead more →
CRFI Paper Who are You?: Reaffirming Human Dignity Cardus is a non-partisan, faith-based think tank and registered charity dedicated to promoting a flourishing society through independent research, robust public dialogue,…Read more →
Bridget Campion, PhD Recently I had the occasion to witness challenges in Ontario health care in a personal way. My friend, G, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, had lived…Read more →