In our Publications section there are a few new articles available. We've released our summer copy of the CCBI Newsletter, à Propos, as well as new Bioethics Matters.The Media page…Read more →
We've added some videos from a lecture we hosted back in March on the Ethical Concerns in Pandemic Planning. For those who were unable to attend you can watch any…Read more →
The Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute and Salt and Light TV invite you to attend a free lecture on June 19, 2010 at 11 am. The guest speaker is Most Rev.…Read more →
On this Friday’s edition of Perspectives…April 30, 2010 editionEuthanasiaWhat does the defeat of Bill C-384 (Euthanasia bill) say about Canadian society? In a landslide 228-59 vote, the Canadian House of…Read more →
The Vote on Bill C-384To all Members of ParliamentThe Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute and its supporters are greatly heartened by your voting against Bill C-384 on Thursday, April 22, 2010.We…Read more →