Letter to The Editor, The National Post, January 5, 2016
Letter to The Editor, The National Post, January 5, 2016 Euthanasia ‘landslide’ Re: Granting A Child’s…
Dr. Moira McQueen will be speaking at a webinar hosted by the National Association of Catholic Nurses Canada on Wednesday, May 1 2024, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm EDT. This event is open to Catholic nurses worldwide through the Family Committee of CICIAMS.
For Zoom link: Email nacncanada.boardcontact@gmail.com
Dr. McQueen’s priority request is that we read Humanae Vitae and Donum Vitae before her talk if possible. Scroll to the bottom of this link to find them: http://www.ciciams.org/committeeonthefamily.html
For further reading on the implications of Catholic teaching regarding IVF and surrogacy, please see Fr Thomas Lim’s and Dr. McQueen’s articles. Dr. McQueen has a chapter on reproductive technologies in her 2023 publication: McQueen, M: Bioethics Matters, 3rd Edition, CCBI News: Catholic Teaching on Surrogacy | Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute – Affiliated with the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto (ccbi-utoronto.ca)
Microsoft Word – bioethics matters_IVF January 2010.doc (ccbi-utoronto.ca)
Microsoft Word – bioethics matters Vol8#3_IVF2_May 2620 10__FINAL.rtf (ccbi-utoronto.ca)
CONTACT: NACN-Canada PO Box 19525, Manulife PO, 55 Bloor St. W., Toronto ON M4W 3T9.
EMAIL: nacncanada.boardcontact@gmail.com WEB: https://catholicnurses.ca/