CCBI Resources for Covid-19 – November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020 Dear Friends of CCBI, Last week I began the Bulletin with "Attention!"…
Dear Friends of CCBI,
Here we are on the other side of Canada Day, with special thoughts and prayers for all those
devastated by loss of their homes and possessions, as well as for those who died, in ongoing
wildfires in BC and Alberta, especially in Lytton, BC. Outreach from neighbouring communities
has been outstanding, but the shock of their community being destroyed and, for some, their
means of livelihood, must be horrendous. Considering the tension between First Nations and
parts of Canada at the minute, it was inspiring to read these words spoken by Chief Grace
George of the Katzie First Nations in BC’s Fraser Valley, about the support her people have been
giving and receiving: “It’s overwhelming. Emotionally overwhelming — the best kind. But it’s
really beautiful to find people rally together and really our intention is to let the people who are
struggling the most right now know they are not alone.” We pray those sentiments and practices
increase, along with an end to more destructive practices, especially of churches.
We may be doing better in Canada in rates of vaccination, but still there are warnings in place for
this and other developed countries, and even more so for countries where swift vaccination
programs are not yet possible, despite the pleas of the WHO for more prosperous countries to
provide vaccines or the wherewithal to poorer countries to produce their own. Surges are
occurring even in places where vaccination uptake has been high, e.g., Australia decided to enter
another lock down phase after months of progress.
If the statistics in the poll conducted by are accurate, about 20% of Canadians are
reluctant to be vaccinated. According to Dr Fauci, Dr Tam and others, this could be seriously
problematic for them in light of the higher transmissibility rates of the increasing number of
variants, while this could also expose other people at risk, especially those who cannot be
vaccinated for medical reasons.
The Pontifical Academy of Life co-hosted a conference on the non-availability of vaccines in
many countries, while decrying the polar-opposite stance of vaccine hesitancy among some
people in vaccine-rich countries. Together with representatives of the World Medical
Association, Archbishop Paglia of the PAV pointed out that it not so much a duty to be
vaccinated as a responsibility.
An article from Nature tells us that, realistically, some countries will not be adequately
vaccinated until 2023, partly depending on whether vaccine-rich countries donate excess
vaccines or aid less fortunate countries to manufacture their own. A chart from The Globe and
Mail highlights the differentials in vaccination rates throughout the world, emphasizing that
many places have not yet reached 50% in receiving first doses, leaving them prey to the even
more serious COVID-19 variants, which are not only more highly transmissible, but more lethal
in effect. I’m trying to find out whether or not Canada is living up to its G7 pledges to donate
vaccines and have not yet received an answer from my local MP’s office. Should not be that
difficult! Time for action!
We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and
passionate architects of dialogue and friendship!
(Pope Francis’ intention for the month of July)
We pray for a full recovery for Pope Francis, following his surgery on Sunday, July 4!
Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for us!
Moira and Bambi
Delta Variant
As Delta Variant Surges, Outbreaks Return in Many Parts of the World (
Delta coronavirus variant: scientists brace for impact (
Pontifical Academy for Life
Archbishop Paglia: There is no place for medical marginalisation – Vatican News
MSN 20% of Canadian hesitant or refusing to be vaccinated
Nearly 20% of Canadians still hesitant or refusing to get COVID-19 vaccine: poll (
The Globe and Mail – The Global vaccine gap
Diocese of Kamloops, Bishop Joseph – Message to Indigenous Communities