A Catholic Perspective: Triage Principles & Moral Distress in Pandemic Scarcity
N. Kenny OC MD FRCP(C), J. Kotalik MD MA FRCPC, L. Herx MD PhD CCFP(PC)…
Dear Friends of CCBI,
Along with new and emerging bioethical issues, many topics continue to challenge society concerning euthanasia, physician-assisted death and individual / professional questions of conscience.
Here are some requests from groups directly involved in such issues, asking us to contact or write to government officials and to the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, the regulatory body for doctors. We know that all these agencies are technically (and hopefully actually) open to public pressure, but their ‘openness’ can only be acted upon if such pressure is applied…in large numbers and often!
The national consultation regarding MAiD policy has been extended until May 14, 2021.
We ask you to please take the time to read the attached messages and to follow through by emailing those responsible or by sending a letter, using the suggested messages as a starting point for your own comments. We have always been advised that the most important factor in these matters is volume. If these bodies do not hear from the public, the obvious conclusion is that the public is satisfied with what is being proposed. Often that is not the case, but people have failed to make their views ‘public’ in not making contact with those concerned.
We also received this urgent request from Collectif Médecins and ask you to please take the time to respond to this, too. We know this is a lot to ask, but CCBI and many of its followers feel strongly about these matters and have responded well in the past concerning previous matters, in these areas, therefore we feel certain that many have already responded. Thank you! We would like to invite those who have not yet done so to take this opportunity now.
We include just two articles about variants – not ethical but factual matters about which we have received several questions:
Coronavirus Update: One shot of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine leaves recipients vulnerable to variants, U.K. study says April 30: Researchers in Britain have found that one shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine leave recipients vulnerable to variants, saying people need to “hang on in there” for the second shot www.theglobeandmail.com
But this morning, this was in The Globe and Mail:
Morning Update: Relatively few COVID-19 cases reported after receiving first vaccine dose, data show www.theglobeandmail.com
There is hope for us in Canada although matters are still desperate for many sick people and our health care system is strained to the utmost. We have been asked to suggest ways to contribute financially towards helping people in India suffering in the current COVID-19 disaster, and in turn we are asking our followers for advice on that point. If you know of any good channels, please let us know!
Our Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for us!
Let us pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church!
(Pope Francis’ intention for the month of May)
Moira and Bambi