Euthanasia: We can live without – Care NOT Killing – Promoting care, Opposing euthanasia – Care Not Killing
Euthanasia: We can live without - Care NOT Killing - Promoting care, Opposing euthanasia -…
Dear Friends of CCBI,
How often have we heard the words, “Never again?” Countless times, but their vehement promise is losing its powerful demand the more it is watered down. The story of our seniors in long term care homes is not a story that we will be proud to relate to our children and grandchildren. They need to be informed about the facts which most of us did not appear to know when the pandemic arrived, and they need to be able to act to make sure these events do not re-occur. Some stories are often too easily forgotten. While this pandemic is not on the same scale, I’m reminded of holocaust survivors who go to high schools to make sure that their fate in history, a shameful and incredibly cruel fate, is not forgotten. We humans forget very easily, not just trivial things that can easily be righted, but serious matters that have affected humanity. Canada’s treatment of seniors seems to stem more from lack of empathy and memory rather than from cruelty and inhumanity, although it is true that there is an element of greed and a total lack of care for fellow human beings. It is difficult for seniors to protect themselves when their own population is vulnerable, and where their voices are not typically heard properly. In other areas, however, voices are springing up to defend them.
Fortunately, then, some advocates do exist and we list their comments, Some in an article from the Ottawa Citizen, and others in an extremely powerful and informative CBC radio clip, mostly from a geriatrician. Together, the claim is that our long term-care homes are not ready for the ‘second wave!’ Here are some quotes from the Ottawa Citizen: “As of Friday, 52 residents and 26 staff members have been infected with COVID-19 at West End Villa since an outbreak was declared there less than a month ago. Nine residents have now died, leaving families reeling. The death toll has gone up steadily in the past week and dozens more residents and staff members are awaiting test results.” Worse: “Some family members with loved ones at the long-term care home allege they are seeing a repeat of the kind of practices that contributed to the spread of COVID-19 the first time around. That includes lapses in infection control and staff shortages. The home says it has strictly followed public health guidelines, increased staffing on the floor where infected residents are congregated, brought in daily medical staff and that staffing is stable. ” Also: “But there are hints that there could be limits to extra help long-term care homes are able to get if outbreaks worsen this fall. During the first wave, many hospitals were relatively quiet and staff members were able to fill gaps in overwhelmed long-term care homes which were dealing with large outbreaks with numerous staff off sick and others who went elsewhere. This time, as hospitals scramble to work through backlogged surgeries and beds fill up, there are few bodies to spare.” Now there are outbreaks in several homes, and there’s a fear that the toll is going to rise in long term care homes…again!
Vaccines will be the best answer to COVID-19, as we all know and hope. Some developments have been overly ‘hyped,’ which is not the best approach during a deadly pandemic. The Canadian finance minister is warning people about this, and her comments in the article below emphasize that politicians should not apply unfair pressure on scientists to rush this process unduly.
The ‘second wave’ of increased numbers of new cases and the exponential risk from those numbers have led the provincial government to restrict the numbers of people allowed at Church services to between 25-50 depending on size, region and so on. This type of move is bound to provoke an angry or disappointed reaction. While understandable and recognizing that no-one wants to experience a backwards movement, communities still have to accept measures taken for the common good, as long as comparable venues (size, etc.) have the same rules applied to them.
En garde! In families, in schools, in churches, in restaurants, i.e., everywhere, masks, social distancing and restricted social gatherings continue to make sense. Thank you to those who comply with these rules, and to those advocates who speak out in the hope of protecting our senior citizens in long-term care. Never again should mean what it says!
Our Lady Health of the Sick, pray for us!
The Pope’s Intention for September:
We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered, but shared in a just and respectful manner.
Moira McQueen, LLB, MDiv, PhD
Executive Director, Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute
Lecturer, Faculty of Theology
University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto
Ottawa Citizen
Never Again
CBC Ontario Today
Doctor calls Ontario long-term care home canary in the coal mine | Ontario Today with Rita Celli | Live Radio | CBC Listen
Are long-term care homes ready for the second wave? Toronto geriatrician Dr. Nathan Stall says no. Hear what he says needs to happen to protect residents and staff.
The Globe and Mail
Politicians urged not to pressure Health Canada, regulators
The Catholic Register
Quebec restricts number of people participating in events in places of worship