Bioethics Matters Update
Bioethics Matters: A Guide for Concerned Catholics has been updated on the Novalis website. Bioethics…
“Bravo Cardinal Collins!” for publicly addressing physician-assisted death.
(Physician-assisted death includes physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. Physician-assisted suicide means the physician prescribes but does not administer the lethal drugs; with voluntary euthanasia, a physician gives a lethal dose of medication as requested by the individual.)
For our clarity Cardinal Collins identified some of the parliamentary committee’s recommendations to those crafting the law:
The Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute is proud to belong to the Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience that Cardinal Collins spoke about in his message ( Along with Cardinal Collins, we encourage you to:
The website of the Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience provides more detailed information as well as the means to write to your elected official: